Monday, September 9, 2013

第八天: Day 8 // Reunion inTaiwan

Happy Sunday!

Today was an exciting day since our friends from the US were coming into Taiwan: Mark & Rae from Seattle and Dawn & Mike flying in from Shanghai. We hopped onto the bus and rode down to Tienmu where we would be meeting the fiancees Mark and Rae. 

We were a bit early but we waited at Takashimaya for Mark and Rae. 

We headed into the mall where we would attend morning service at Oasis, Mark's church that he attended in high school. I also saw a poster of Pastor Mike Connell, who first introduced the holy spirit to me. He would be preaching a series of conferences at the Bread of Life church.

The church is uniquely settled in a room on the top floor of the parking garage. This was the view.

Unfortunately, I took pictures of food and forgot to take a group picture of all of us during lunch! Mark, Rae, Eric, and Mark's high school James headed down to the food court to eat lunch. The place was packed and filled with delicious entree choices.

This is oyster pancake:

I ordered udon with a side of tempura:

Eric's noodle soup:

For dessert, we ordered shaved ice with grass jelly and fenyuan (the white and pink tapioca balls). The picture doesn't do justice but it was really good shaved ice! 

We headed back to the bus stop and dawdled in the nearby park. The trees were so interesting with their long branches reaching out and twisting in the air. 

A time for play!

Walking back home, I realized the Zhongshan Middle School had very colorful windows and balconies.

Dinnertime! Reunited with Mike and Dawn!

We headed over to Bravo, a burger joint, that Eric's mom says is the best she's had. When her friend told her about the place, she marketed as this: 'I don't like to eat burgers but this place is so good that I have to come once a week'.

Getting settled at the table.

I told Eric to take a picture of me and this is what happened...

Finally! Me and Ting :)

Elisa, Amy Ayi and Eric

Eric and Mike

Ting and Elisa

Niece and Uncle

Yes, you read right. That is Eric's 30-something niece. 
They wanted me to add bubbles saying: "That's my niece!" and "That's my uncle!"

Decor at Bravo

The food arrives! Here was my Crispy Onion Burger. It made the burgerjoint 8oz in Seattle look mini.

Apparently they give guests food gloves so that the mess doesn't get on them, which I really need (I'm such a messy eater!). It seemed funny to wear them though. After taking the picture, I realized I look like a mime with my shirt.

The most popular dish at Bravo: Peanut Butter Burger
Eric and Dawn were really excited to eat this unique combination. Dawn exclaimed "It's like eating a donut!" I thought the description sounded unappetizing but in the end I gave in and took a bite. You know what? It was REALLY GOOD.

After dinner, Mike, Dawn, Eric and I headed off to the MRT Station to get to the night market. I was soooo excited, I had been waiting to go experience the night market life for months. 

Boo, Dawn passed the height requirement to pay full fare. She is the biggest big kid I know.

We've arrived!

Mike and Dawn had the cutest matching panda attire. Want.

Food vendor stands:

Happy shopping!

1 comment:

  1. How's the oyster pancake compared to Hardwok's?
    I have nieces who are older than me too but they never call me aunt...and I have to call someone older than my mom Jiejie....I ended up never addressing them before talking to them....

    I can't believe you ate before night market...
    I'm drooling...want to go sooooooo much



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