Tuesday, September 3, 2013

第三天 : Day 3 // Yangming Mountain III

Our next stop was to the second Yangmingshan National Park. Eric and his family had not been back to this park for over ten years and were eager to re-experience it. When we arrived there, there was a long beautiful shelter. 

Following a trail of a stone pathway, we traveled up to this tower.

Happy Travels! 


Regarding the taro farm that I took pictures of in the last post, Amy Ayi (Eric's mom) said that in the spring, the whole place is filled with white flowers. I came across this beautiful picture of an evening shot of the farm. 


  1. Wow, such a beautiful sight. Love the view from up top. It must be breathtaking from up on the tower. That's so cool that they have rows and rows filled with calla lilies. It's kind of like the tulips during the tulip festival.


  2. Yay for keeping a blog. Looking forward to following your culinary adventures.


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